www.alfasoft.md is the official website of the Alfasoft srl. Here you can find information about Alfasoft activities in Moldova.
In using the site www.alfasoft.md (hereinafter “Site”) you are deemed to have read and agreed to the following terms and conditions.
The terms and conditions can be modified at any time by the site administrator, without prior notice to persons who use it.
Through its sections, the www.alfasoft.md website provides users (citizens, media, partners, etc.) with easy and effective access to information, normative acts, decisions, regulations and news related to electronic government in the Republic of Moldova.
All information present on the website is free, within the limits of the legislation. Information is not necessarily comprehensive, complete or up to date. Articles presented on the website may contain links to other sites whose content is not controlled by the Alfasoft Center; therefore the Center assumes no responsibility.
Users can use the information provided on the site on their own responsibility, in accordance with current legislation, having the obligation to indicate the source document (mentioning the hyperlink/s, URL) and not distorting the original meaning or message of the document.
The user has more rights, as follows:
- to reproduce, copy, publish and forward information and data;
- to disseminate and distribute information and data;
- to reuse data and information in accordance with current legislation.
Alfasoft srl is not responsible for the consequences arising from the reuse of data and information published on this site.
The site administrator will take the necessary measures to ensure the proper functioning of the site; however, interruptions in service or web page inaccessibility could occur, for an indefinite period of time, for various reasons.
The administrator reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of should any circumstances occur that require such action.